




Wine for Two, Glass for One.

Wine glass in hand, we sat across from each other, far in the corner of the crowded room. Silence prevailed, bitten back words, nails chewed down to stumps, bloody eyes, unshed tears from unsaid words. They screamed at you, my... Continue Reading →

Our Love Song.

Our love song was stitched of our silences things unsaid but understood of midnight dreams about each other which brought the color to our cheeks of goodbyes said through our eyes and wine drunk to bring people to your absence... Continue Reading →

Why Can’t I have a Normal Life?

This poem could be an open letter to state my grievance against my present condition Why can’t I lead a normal life? You know, the ones you see in movies or on TV shows where it always ends well rather... Continue Reading →

Opportunity and Me.

Walking along the beach the surf kicked wide and landing on my feet the salty air stirring my thoughts                                          like... Continue Reading →

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